Tuna Sandwich Special
A Simple sandwich can always be something special.
If there’s any sandwich that gets a bad rap, it’s the tuna sandwich, yet it can be so delicious with just a few additions here and there. (I also love this with salmon.)
My best tip for any canned fish — thoroughly drain the liquid either by pressing it right in the can or by placing it in a small strainer in the sink for a few minutes as you prep your other ingredients. Nothing ruins your lunch special faster than that first delicious bite followed by the pure ickiness of tuna juice dripping into your hands and leaving your bread a soggy mess.
The sour cream in this recipe also balances things out and cuts down on that too-mayonnaise taste you sometimes get. The cheddar bun is that extra ingredient that makes this lunch staple really special.
Note: One can of fish makes two super-stuffed sandwiches.
1 can of tuna or salmon
2 cheddar buns, halved
Cheddar, sliced to cover surface of bun
1/4 cup diced grape tomatoes (once cut set on a napkin to drain excess moisture)
3-4 lettuce leaves per sandwich (iceberg/romaine make for the best crunch)
1/4 cup diced red onion
1/4 cup diced celery
2-3 tbsp mayonnaise (you can use as much or as little as you like for just the right creaminess)
1 tbsp sour cream
salt/pepper to taste
Drain fish in a strainer. Let sit for a few minutes to allow all liquid to drain.
In the meantime toast both halves of your cheddar bun. Once toasted and slightly cooled, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on both sides of the bun.
In a small mixing bowl add in fish, 1/4 cup tomatoes, 1/4 cup diced onion, 1/4 cup diced celery, salt/pepper, 2-3 tbsp mayonnaise, and 1 tbsp sour cream. Mix well until all ingredients are blended.
On top side of bun lay your lettuce then cheddar slices.
On bottom side of bun spoonful half of the tuna mixture.
Place top layer onto bottom and serve with a dill pickle and a handful of your favourite potato chips.
Apparently my sandwich looked so good that my Vizsla just had to steal half before I could take the first bite!