Salted Caramel Cake
A little sweet, a little salty, and a whole lot of delicious.
Beautiful in Blue
Only a sadist starts a food blog with a dying oven.
Chicken Carbonara-esque Gnocchi
So delicious it’s almost better than the real thing.
Lemon Coconut Blondies
Nothing beats a sweet, nutty blonde.
Avocado & Eggs on Toast
The devil’s in the details to making this dish eggcelent.
Pho in Five
Pho noodle soup in five minutes? Pass me a spoon.
Pizza Casserole
The perfect hideout for your vegetables.
Chipotle Affogato
Espresso, ice cream, liqueur, and chocolate. Count me in.
Herb & Tomato Stuffed Eggplant
Rustic, earthy, and just plain delicious.
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - Recipe Cheat
A few add-ons instantly make this soup feel homemade.
Lemony Lentil Soup
Put a little spring in your step with this citrus infused soup.
Bacon & Peach Pecan Oatmeal
Salty, syrup, and oh so tasty.
Salmon Gone Wild
The perfect pan-sear recipe.
Spicing Things Up
Check out this amazing selection of spices from a great Cdn company.
Apple Pie Stuffed Salted Caramel Cake
A ridiculously delicious idea brought to life.
Duck Duck Juicy
My new Mediterranean spices put to the test!
Find your inner goddess.
Indian Cabbage Soup
A delicious twist on comfort food.
Tuna Sandwich Special
A sandwich so good the dog couldn’t wait. (You’ll see).